Arid Lands Development Focus (ALDEF)

  • Empowering Minds,
    Shaping Futures

    Ensuring access to quality education for children in ASAL counties,
    with a special focus on empowering the girl child to achieve their dreams.

  • Empowering Voices,
    Driving Change

    Promoting active citizen participation in governance and
    public expenditure management, empowering communities to advocate for their rights.

  • Resilient Communities,
    Sustainable Livelihoods

    Addressing the effects of climate change through innovative
    agricultural practices and enhancing food security in pastoral communities.

  • Nurturing Potential,
    inspiring Leaders

    Providing opportunities for young people to learn, grow,
    and contribute positively to their communities through vocational training and mentorship.

  • Healthy Lives,
    Thriving Communities

    Improving health and nutrition outcomes for
    children and mothers through advocacy, education, and access to essential services.

  • Humanitarian Emergency Response

    Delivering timely and effective humanitarian
    aid to communities affected by disasters, ensuring their survival and recovery.

Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives


Arid Lands Development Focus (ALDEF) enhances the quality of life for marginalized communities in northern Kenya through education, citizen engagement, climate adaptation, food security, youth empowerment, and health programs.


To enhance the dignity and quality of life for marginalized communities by strengthening their capacities, eliminating barriers to opportunities, and creating an enabling environment for them to reach their full potential through positive empowerment.


Empowered pastoralists and other marginalized communities living dignified lives

Walking camel

Arid Lands Development Focus (ALDEF) upholds five core values: Professionalism, Respect for Diversity, People-Centered Approaches, Equity, and Volunteerism.

Key focus areas

Our Strategic Pillars

We are committed to transforming the lives of marginalized communities in northern Kenya through a comprehensive approach centered on four strategic pillars. These pillars guide our efforts to provide immediate relief, build long-term resilience, promote good governance, and strengthen institutional capacities. Each pillar is designed to address specific challenges and leverage opportunities to empower communities and enhance their quality of life.

Humanitarian Emergency Response

ALDEF is dedicated to providing timely and effective relief to communities affected by disasters. Our humanitarian emergency response pillar focuses on delivering essential support such as food distribution, cash transfers, and non-food items to those in need.

Building Resilience

We are committed to enhancing the resilience of communities against environmental and economic shocks. Our building resilience pillar focuses on promoting sustainable practices such as climate change adaptation, sustainable agriculture, and disaster risk reduction.

Good Governance, Gender Justice, and Advocacy

We promote good governance, transparency, and accountability, empowering communities to participate in governance and hold their leaders accountable.

Institutional Systems and Capacity Strengthening

ALDEF strengthens internal systems and builds the capacities of local communities and organizations to deliver high-quality services.

Core programme focus

Key Programmes

We are dedicated to addressing the critical needs of marginalized communities in northern Kenya through a comprehensive approach centered on several key programmatic areas. These areas guide our efforts to provide quality education, empower citizens, address climate change, ensure food security, uplift youth, and improve health and nutrition. Each programmatic area is designed to tackle specific challenges and leverage opportunities to create sustainable, positive change in the communities we serve.

Provision of Quality Education

Addressing educational needs in ASAL counties, focusing on primary and secondary education, especially for the girl child, through infrastructure development, bursaries, and community sensitization.

Food Security and Livelihoods

Promoting sustainable livelihoods and food security through innovative agricultural practices, market stimulation, and value addition for local products.

Citizen Empowerment

Enhancing citizens' participation in governance, promoting legal awareness, and supporting communities to engage in planning, budgeting, and accountability processes.

Climate Change and Its Effects

Establishing mechanisms to address climate change impacts, supporting adaptive practices, and advocating for climate finance and early warning systems.

Youth Empowerment

Creating opportunities for young people through vocational training, mentorship, and programs that counteract violent extremism and substance abuse.

Health and Nutrition

Improving health and nutrition outcomes for children and mothers through education, advocacy, and enhanced access to water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities. By addressing these critical areas, ALDEF aims to reduce malnutrition rates and improve overall health in the communities we serve.

Our Accountability to the Communities We Serve

We are deeply committed to maintaining accountability to the communities we serve. We ensure transparency and integrity in all our operations, actively involving community members in decision-making processes.

By prioritizing their needs and feedback, we strive to deliver effective, impactful, and sustainable solutions.

Our dedication to accountability fosters trust and collaboration, empowering communities to achieve lasting positive change.

Who we work with

Donors & Partners